Attendance, Sickness, Maternity
As well as the direct and indirect financial implications, frequent absences can impact on your workplace in a number of ways:- morale, mistakes and productivity. Maternity and Family friendly legislation has also become more complicated and requires sensitive handling to avoid claims of discrimination.
Sample of services we can offer :
Handbooks, Policies, Return to Work documentation
Skills Training for Managers
Support with Occupational Health and Medical Reports
Reasonable adjustments / Managing disability at work
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption Policy, Procedures, documentation
What others say about Stella

“Stella delivered some hugely beneficial training to us as a senior team within the Bridge Youth Project”

Stella’s help and advice during our recent Company wind up, and support with handling the knock on staff redundancies was completely invaluable.

As a client you can expect quick responses and regular communication in a relaxed but friendly style. I see Starry1HRconsulting as an extension to our Management Team.